Bridgwater Arts Centre

Important update: The Arts centre will be closed to the public for one day only on Thursday 10th April 9am to 5pm due to ongoing renovation works. The Castle Bar will reopen as usual at 7pm on Thursday 10th April for our monthly Pub Quiz.

Bridgwater Arts Centre Special Offer

Monday 14 April and Monday 28 April
Drop in for a FREE cup of coffee or tea on Monday 14 April and Monday 28 April from 11-1pm. Meet a member of the Management team and bring your ideas for how the Arts Centre should be when it re-opens and what it could programme. Come and share your thoughts with us.

Due to the ongoing refurbishment work at the Art centre we regret that it is not currently accessible to those who need step free access

Blossoming Bridgwater Workshop

Blossoming Bridgwater is a community project led by Chloe Haywood (with thanks to SEED Sedgemoor) Date: Monday 28th April Time: 11am-1pm Price: FREE (Limited tickets due to space)

Blossoming Bridgwater Workshop

Chloë will lead you through the process on how to hand embroider a word that speaks to you onto a choice of beautiful textile offcuts from the Royal Ballet and Opera costume department. This 'petal' Chloe will construct into a multilayered skirt to be worn by the International Concert Pianist Nurry Lee.
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Arts Centre Renovations

Our legendary theatre and arts centre is undergoing major renovations ...


We are currently undergoing renovations at the Bridgwater Arts Centre. These improvements are part of our ongoing efforts to transform the building for future generations.
Follow our journey on Facebook


Every 1st Thursday of each month


Starting back on the 6th February, every 1st Thursday of each month. An impromptu jazz session courtesy of Bob Hitchins and his fellow musicians. Enjoy a pint and some cool music.


Second Thursday of every month


Second Thursday of every month. Our lovely Jonet will host an evening of trivia questions covering many different areas. Bar open from 7pm Quiz from 7:30. Teams of 6 max £2 per head, to avoid disappointment please call the box office and reserve your table or email [email protected]


Third Thursday of the month starting February


Every 3rd Thursday of each month from February 2025. No formality, just bring along an instrument (preferably one you can play!) and jam with other local performers.


Every forth Thursday from 27 February


COMING SOON: Every forth Thursday from 27 February, featuring local historian Dave Chapple. What he doesn't know about musical history...
An evening of informal tunes and talk about an artiste for an hour. Programme to follow.

Andy Fairweather Low

Saturday 25 October
Tickets coming in May

Andy Fairweather Low and the Low Riders

For the first time since 2021, Andy Fairweather Low & The Lowriders will be touring the UK! Andy Fairweather Low shot to fame as Lead Singer in Amen Corner singing massive hits like 'Bend Me Shape Me', 'Hello Suzy' and '( If Paradise is ) Half As Nice' .